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Plants are an excellent way to unwind. According to Belgian research, our stress hormone cortisol decreases when we garden and when we are in a green environment. Take inspiration from the garden trends for 2024 and tailor your garden to your own taste. Which garden trend will you go for?

Garden trend 1: Holiday vibes with Viva la Vida

This garden trend is all about passion and colour. Flowers in warm colours like pink, red, orange and yellow set the scene for an intimate and Mediterranean atmosphere. This is a great way to create holiday vibes in your own garden, where you can dine with friends or throw a party.

Perennials that go well with Viva la Vida:

  • Phlox – especially varieties with red, pink and deep purple flowers; the lovely sweet scent is a nice bonus.
  • Tickseed/Coreopsis – with cheerful yellow flowers.
  • Poppy/Papaver – with impressive flowers in yellow, orange, purple, red, pink and white colours
  • Butterfly weed/Asclepias – umbelliferous flowers that are delightfully fragrant.

Garden trend 2: Natural vibes with Meaningful Earth

This trend offers space for naturalisation and natural gardening. With this trend, gardens can have a rough and rugged look. The borders look like they were created by nature, with alternating low-growing and tall perennials, including many ornamental grasses.

Perennials that go well with Meaningful Earth:

  • Yarrow/Achillea – a classic perennial with dozens of flowers per umbel.
  • Needle grass/Stipa – delicate ornamental grass that sways in the wind.
  • Thyme/Thymus – the Thymus vulgaris variety is a well-known kitchen herb.
  • Coneflower/Echinacea purpurea ‘Alba’ – a strong plant that attracts butterflies and bees.

To view perennials at Crocus click here

All images copyright iVerde ‘Perennial Power’

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