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This delightful Azalea has taken 18 years to breed.  Most of us know the beautiful Azaleas that we see in gardens of historic houses, and there are some beautiful varieties that are very garden-worthy, but Azalea Starstyle is, as with most plants that I try to bring you, just that little bit special for the following reasons:-

  1. The bright pink blooms are a unique star shape, previously rare in this species.
  2. Flowers abundantly from May through to August.
  3. This variety is nice and compact, making it suitable for both borders and containers.
  4. Fully hardy down to -10c, unlike some other varieties.
  5. Evergreen, so attractive twelve months of the year.
  6. Makes an excellent and unusual gift.
  7. Low maintenance and easy.
  8. Can even be used as a remarkable indoor or conservatory plant, where you may well be forunate enough to achieve flowering both in spring and in autumn.
  9. The foliage, as well as the blooms, is distinctly pointed.

Keep these plants well watered in the dryer months, especially as new buds are forming.  Azaleas prefer an acidic soil.  If you live in an area where neighbours successfully grow Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Camellias etc, then you more than likely have acidic soil and this plant will thrive in these conditions.  If not it may be sensible to grow Azalea Starstyle in a container filled with ericaceous compost, which is easily available.  It is also prudent to water with rain water to avoid reducing the acidity. Plant in an area with not too much early morning sunlight and sheltered from cold and drying winds, in a well drained spot. When feeding, try to use a feed that is suitable for acid loving plants.

To view this plant at YouGarden click here

Mark Snelling

All images copyright YouGarden

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