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I have long extolled the virtues of the patio plants bred by the Kerley family in Cambridgeshire, and yet again they have triumphed with this stunning range of Polyanthus for masses of wonderful, miniature rose like blooms in the coldest months of the year.  It may seem a little early to be planning your autumn to spring garden, but if you don’t get your orders in soon, you can be sure others will and the cream of the crop will be gone.

I have written before about the amazing Primula Belarina Primroses, also bred by the Kerleys. This new breeding are Polyanthus.  For the uninitiated, Primroses have several short stems with one bloom on top of each stem.  Polyanthus have a taller, central stem with several blooms on top of that stem.

Each bloom on the Pollyanna series of Polyanthus has a delicate scent.  They stand out so much from past Polyanthus breeding in that they have fully double blooms.  They are a world first in double Polyanthus.  They are bred in the U.K. for U.K. conditions and are therefore hardy to -15 degrees.

They are perfect for a bright splash of colour in beds and borders and containers in the coldest, darkest months of the year when we all need a little bit of colour in our lives.  They would look gorgeous underplanted with spring bulbs such as Crocus, Irises and Miniature Narcissi for a beautiful spring display.  They could even, if you can bear to cut them, make a lovely spring posie in a vase.

The varieties pictured here are Pollyanna ‘Frosty White’, Pollyanna ‘Sunny Yellow’ and Pollyanna ‘Touch of Gold’. All these are available to purchase now by clicking on the link below.

To view these plants at YouGarden click here

To read my post on the Belarina Primroses click here

Mark Snelling

All images copyright YouGarden

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